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Terms and conditions of use

RRI TRaC Terms & Conditions

Notice to churches or organizations that are not affiliated with the chartering steward of Royal Rangers International (RRI) in your nation: The use of Royal Rangers publications and resources such as uniforms and accessories (whether purchased, downloaded, and/or acquired in any other manner), does not grant rights and privileges that correspond only to duly recognized outposts (Royal Rangers groups). 
Nor does such a purchase authorize the purchaser to create or enter a Royal Rangers association with other churches, denominations, or nations. The church with a license/subscription or using the RRI TRaC platform must apply for membership with RRI’s chartering steward within their country. 
If no chartering steward exists in your country, the church should immediately contact its region’s RRI regional coordinator to learn if and how to proceed. (The regional coordinator can be contacted via the website —www.RRI.world.)

For uniforms, supplies, and other Royal Rangers products, churches or authorized organizations should contact their nation’s chartering steward or their national Royal Rangers office.

All Scriptiure quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version; NIV Copyright © 1986, 1999, 2005, 2015 by Biblica, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

© 2023 by Royal Rangers International of the Assemblies of God World Missions, General Council of the Assemblies of God, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802-1894. All rights reserved. 

No part of these resources may be stored in storage systems, or transmitted in any way or by any means – printed, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any similar system – without the prior written consent of the copyright owner, except brief quotations used in connection with reviews in magazines or newspapers. 
These materials may be used, printed or photocopied unaltered by leaders and outposts duly recognized by RRI’s chartering steward in their nation, for use solely in the local church. 
Photocopied material is not to be resold to outposts (Royal Rangers groups), churches, leaders, or Rangers. 
Making copies of the RRI TRaC platform for use or sale to other outposts, Churches, leaders, or Royal Rangers inside or outside the country is strictly prohibited. Saving copies of the files included in the RRI TRaC platform on your personal computer or other electronic device for personal use or for distribution to others is strictly prohibited.

Use of these materials within the United States of America or its provinces and territories is strictly prohibited. (Material for internal use in the United States of America or its provinces and territories must be purchased through the USA national Royal Rangers office or through Gospel Publishing House –www.GospelPublishing.com.)

RRI reserves the right to restrict, revoke, or deny access to RRI TRaC and its content according to these terms & conditions without guaranteeing any reimbursements.

The Royal Rangers Emblem ® 1976 by The General Council of the Assemblies of God; Springfield, Missouri USA 65802-1894. The Royal Rangers Emblem may not be reproduced, stored in any storage system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – print, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any similar system – without the prior written consent of Royal Rangers International of Assemblies of God World Missions of the General council of the Assemblies of God, Inc. 

Disclaimer: None of the information provided in these resources should be considered legal advice, authority, or law. The writers are not prepared to provide legal advice to various countries and localities. 
If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

Notice: RRI strongly recommends that the Chartering Steward in each nation urge every outpost (Royal Rangers group) in its country review and implement screening and supervision procedures of adult leaders in keeping with local law.

Clicking on the links on the RRI TRaC platform means that you agree to these terms and conditions of use.